Session notes
Session Title: Democratizing, Structuring, and Transforming Data
Discussion Leaders:
- W. David Stephenson (@data4all)
- Dan O’Neil from EveryBlock (juggernautco),
- Jeff Sonstein (@jeffsonstein)
- Bringing in the public: where to start.
- Neighborhood getting what they want/need.
- challenge for government: info (context-bound) not just data.
- P/R ramifications of mash-ups using data without appropriate context vs. Just open it up. There are always bad apples out there who will try to manipulate.
- How to deal w/figuring out what "the people want".
- How to figure out what level of granularity is appropriate.
- Build for worst-case
- In seeking access to data, what are the low-hanging fruit?
- What is the most constructive way to frame questions for government?
- RDFa - A way to describe resources and connections between them. Both humans and machines can reason from the same document.
- Drupal 7 about to release with RDFa built-in support.
- Drupal Meetup first Tuesday of every month in Boston
- Let citizens connect directly from data to a person.
- Data files vs. query APIs
- Data impact statement for anything the government is collecting data for.
- Open Data Kit - Smart forms (via Google Code)
- Offer data that folks will use to build a constituency to support scale
- Engage the local geeks (hold a hackfest) -- there are a lot of coders willing to help out on the weekends
Repeating Key Words
- Context
- Tagging
- Budgets and barriers
- Meta data
- Standards
- Data constituency
Resources Mentioned:
Comments (2)
Tom Dyer said
at 1:50 pm on Mar 6, 2010
Boston Ruby Group holds meetings and hackfests. Suggest you attend a meeting, look for help and propose a project to hack on during a hackfest.
Next mtg is Tues 3/9 in Cambridge, see site for more.
Kate Geyer said
at 3:13 pm on Mar 6, 2010
The Cambridge Semantic Web Meetup is hosting a discussion of the Massachusetts Open Data Initiative and metadata this week, Tuesday, March 9th. It would be great to have more discussion there!
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