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Welcome to Gov 2.0 Camp New England!



It was a fantastic day in March! Come back here to share your stories:


Watch #gov20ne videos (now posted):

Link to share: http://bit.ly/gov20ne


Video Sessions













Keep this conversation going by joining the Google Group "Gov 2.0 Camp New England" (http://groups.google.com/group/gov-20-camp-new-england). We'd like this to be a place for everyone to share post-Camp efforts, interesting articles, events, and ideas.


Add yourself to the attendee directory


Post-Gov 2.0 Camp New England blog posts and pictures.


Upcoming Gov 2.0 related events


Gov 2.0 Camp New England on Twitter


Wordle of three-word introductions


Join us on March 6th, 2010 for New England's first Gov 2.0 Camp.

See the tentative schedule here.

Download Final Session 2 and Session 3 Schedule


Transportation and parking information


What is Government 2.0?

Government 2.0 Camp New England is an unconference about using social media tools and Web 2.0 technologies to create a more effective, efficient and collaborative government.


Who should attend the Gov 2.0 Camp New England?

Anyone interested in improving government through social media and Web 2.0 technology should attend, including government employees, elected officials, students, researchers, and citizens of all types. The purpose of the conference is to share innovative projects and brainstorm new ideas. 


Add yourself to the Attendee Directory


What is an un-conference?

An un-conference (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconference) is a great way for people who are interested in the same topic to get together for an unstructured day of content and networking. The conference schedule is created by the attendees that morning, so, unlike other conferences, you actually participate in sessions that you are interested in, not what the conference organizers think you might be interested in. If you are interested in giving a presentation or leading a facilitated discussion, add yourself to the "proposed sessions" below. In addition, the day will be kicked off by a small number of lighting talks on Gov 2.0 topics. Camp sessions are not presentations or product pitches--the are opportunites for diverse people to gather together to discuss a topic. Check out these resources for more information on unconferences:



Register through EventBrite here. We recently reached capacity, but there is a waitlist available through EventBrite.


Social Media and Video

The Twitter account is: https://twitter.com/gov20ne

The official hashtag for all tweets, videos, blog posts, and photos is #gov20ne. (Breakout sessions that are being webcast will have their own hashtags.)

Facebook page: Gov 2.0 Camp New England

Parts of the event will be live streamed at http://bit.ly/gov20ne, with the video also being recorded and made available for viewing afterwards by VideoMinutes.


Sponsor Information

A huge thank you to Gov 2.0 Camp New England's generous sponsors:


Event Sponsor


Video Provider 

Video Minutes


Happy Hour Sponsor



Potential Topics

Open data, Citizen engagement, Mobile, Mapping 2.0, Hackathon, Newbie, Social Media 101, Cities and Counties, State government, Government-only, Public meeting engagement, New tools, 311/CRM, Crisis/emergency communications, Etc!


Lightning Talks

The day will start with several 5-minute lightning talks.

  • Peter Corbett - The Camper's Guide to Gov 2.0 History: Peter Corbett, CEO iStrategy Labs, helped run the Apps for Democracy contest with now-federal CIO Vivek Kundra in Washington D.C. He was also one of the organizers of Gov 2.0 Camp D.C. Hear his Gov 2.0 story. (For more information see: http://www.appsfordemocracy.org/).
  • Chris Dempsey and Josh Robin - Serving the Public With Open Data: Hear about the Massachusetts Department of Transportation's extraordinary developer outreach program. (For more information, see http://www.eot.state.ma.us/developers/)
  • Brad Blake - Social Media for State Government: Brad Blake, Director for New Media at the Massachusetts Governor's office, will discuss the benefits and pitfalls of engaging the social web.
  • Jeff Blasius - More Than Just Fixing Potholes, Empowering Citizens: Jeff Blasius will demonstrate how citizen reporting of non-emergency issues can help government be more productive. (For more information, see: http://seeclickfix.com/cambridge_3
  • Jeff Sonstein - Open Your Data, Join the One Web: Jeff Sonstein will conduct a walk-through of key issues in building citizen-friendly and Web-based front-ends to explore and ask questions of government data. Some work-in-progress with Federal Election Commission data will be looked at for illustration.
  • Deborah Elizabeth Finn - Ask Your Lawmaker: A Five Minute Case Study: Deborah Elizabeth Finn, an expert in technology for the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, will tackle Gov 2.0 issues from a non-profit perspective.


Proposed Session Ideas

If you are interested in leading a session, add your name and session information to the grid below. Sessions will be finalized the day of the event, but these ideas will help you brainstorm your own. Please be flexible with your topic idea, as the participants will decide what sessions are the most interesting. Camp sessions are discussions, not presentations or opportunities to pitch products--please keep in mind that not all rooms will have projectors and they should be used sparingly to encourage conversation.


Getting Started and Requested Topics (Add your ideas here!)

Title Presenter(s) Topic
What is Gov 2.0? Laurel Ruma What does this term mean? It's much more than social media or open data and everyone has a different take on it. Laurel will show concrete examples of Government 2.0 in action and then open the discussion up.
How to create a Gov 2.0 Camp or any other Camp for that matter  Peter Corbett (@corbett3000 I'll walk through the guiding principles of what a 'Camp' is and how to create one that brings people together in an open format while delivering a great experience. Over the past two years I've co-hosted or co-created more than a dozen of these. I'll have a handy guide for your to walk away with too.
Town/city government: how do I apply these ideas?    
Using Online Tools for Community Organizing, Empowerment, and Leadership Development on the Ground Shava Nerad MoveOn.org went way up in my estimation when they started encouraging members to meet face-to-face with neighbors to talk, watch movies, and plan actions on the ground.  How do we transform virtual community into its real life counterpart, with the aim of building social capital -- and effective social change?
How to Save the World in your Spare Time Shava Nerad A case study from the MIT Educational Studies Program in youth leadership development
Participation in a Democracy Rob Goodspeed A facilitated discussion on the topic of participation and collaboration in government and democracy. When and how should power be delegated to citizens? Does technology influence the distribution of power?
What Do You Do After You Vote? Ari Herzog After you vote for your local government officials, what do you next? Do you volunteer to serve on an appointed board or commission? Do you care about budget transfers or street sweepings and attend meetings that create laws and policies on such? It's great that you might want government to do things online, but do you email your mayor to share your thoughts? Facilitated by a first-term city councilor in Newburyport, Mass., this is an open dialogue to learn how you are engaging with your local government leaders -- or why you're not. This will occur during the final session of the day.
Structuring and Transforming XML and Other Data Jeff Sonstein (@jeffsonstein)

Potential topics: "Good" XML design and documentation and how it makes data more usable, consuming well-structured XML vs poorly-structured vs CSV, approaches to data transformation (CSV into XML, one XML-form into another, XML-to-JSON, and so on), demos of tools to make this whole thing easier, hands-on group work using FEC or other data (as the group decides). What can we do to pool resources to get this sort of work done to help inform the public?

How Crowdsourcing and open imagery changed the response to the Haiti Crisis John Crowley What lessons on open government can we learn from the response to Haiti's Quake? Who used crowdsourcing? Who used the flood of imagery from open sources? And how did these data change the response?
How government agencies can use social media to enhance civic participation and engagement Yasmin Fodil/Anna York How can government best use social and new media to engage with citizens?  What are the lessons learned from current cases in the US and the UK, and what recommendations and frameworks can agencies use to think about increasing engagement and participation in the policymaking process?
Democratizing Data W. David Stephenson I'd like to lead a session on comprehensive "democratizing data" strategies, which don't just release data for public use, a la Data.gov, but also provide structured data on a real-time basis within agencies to improve their decision making and reduce inefficiency, and allow businesses to file their mandated reports using structured data, as with the Dutch Taxonomy Project.
Getting to Yes Jess Weiss, Brad Blake Brad and Jess can share how Mass.gov developed and is developing toolkits and standards by consulting with security, legal, accessibility and business representatives. We wanted to help our agencies dive right in, so we did some of the groundwork to answer everything from "Is it ok for me to comment on a blog?" and "Can I say things about work on my personal Twitter account" to "How does my agency get its own blog?" "How do I get a custom YouTube channel?" and "Do I have to archive my tweets?".  Bring your experiences, recommendations and questions to share!
Beyond YouTube: Video on websites Hugh MacKay  Why add video; trends and changes. Tips and techniques for creating better, more effective videos. New ideas and directions in using video to make a more effective website.

The New Government Meets The New Media

James Turner  Gov 2.0 is about making data available to everyone to use however they want.  At the same time, a wave of 'citizen journalists' have come along (some with explicit biases), and traditional news organizations are becoming more and more savvy to how they can mash up government data for their own purposes.  When you start making raw data available, have you lost control of the 'message'?  What do you do when your data is used to distort the facts? 

GeoEnabling Gov 2.0

Jackie Curtis Geographic knowledge is playing an increasingly prominent role in the way the world views and analyzes information. Geographic Information Systems or GIS has emerged as the technology that allows us to manage and apply this geographic knowledge. The Web has been provided a platform for expanding the application of geographic knowledge and GIS by allowing us to combine technologies such as social media, real time data, and authoritative geospatial data to create a new GeoWeb of information. This GeoWeb is being used as the platform to engage citizens, provide transparency in decision making and enhance policy making.
 Teaching gov2.0  Boris Jamet-Fournier  What should graduate schools teach their students in order to make them successful gov2.0 professionals? How should faculty, administrators and students approach gov2.0? I will briefly present current initiatives at the Harvard Kennedy School and get the discussion started
Tweet Like a Pro Sarah Bourne So, now you have a Twitter account, what do you do next? Tips and techniques for getting the best value from Twitter, including finding good people to follow and being found, being re-tweetable, monitoring what's being said, being a person vs. being a robot, etc.
Bridging the gap: bringing citizens and government closer through data visualization Irene Ros, Yannick Assogba

We have observed Many Eyes, an online collaborative visualization tool, engage visitors in making and discussing visualization of publicly accessible data. Inspired by this, we have started exploring the ways in which visualization can aid in the open government challenge, to inform, educate and entice citizens to explore our government. We would like to offer a brief overview of current data visualization technologies, our most recent work in the area of text visualization and brainstorm with all of you about how the visualization community can better help citizens understand our government.

* Our presentation will be rather visual... and we would really appreciate having a room with a projector.

The Public Meeting, Redefined

Ren Baker

(of VideoMinutes)

How can video help government become more transparent and accountable? As citizens demand more accountability from their elected officials and content spreads quickly on the Internet, video has become a crucial tool for reporting what local and state governments are doing. This session will talk about what government and citizens want from video and how to find solutions. Ren will share Lancaster County (PA)’s success in reaching new audiences with this simple initiative.
Web 2.0 and Foreign Policy  Kate Krontiris This session will explore how both state and non-state actors are using Web 2.0 technologies to affect foreign policy concerns.  The US State Department has recently launched an interesting effort around Public Diplomacy 2.0, including mobile banking in the Congo and hosting panel discussions in Second Life, the virtual online world.  Human rights organizations like Witness have been using video tools in new ways to highlight abuses. Civil society organizations are harnessing crisis mapping tools to document election violence.  And, of course, China and Iran are key players in the realm of "internet freedom" these days.  This facilitated discussion will crowdsource our combined knowledge to try to answer some key questions: what are the most interesting uses of Web 2.0 to address foreign policy issues?  Who is doing it successfully?  What have we noticed about how various governments have used Web 2.0 tools in diplomacy and global affairs?  What is the next edge of innovation in this realm?
Open Data Strategies

Christian Jacqz

Josh Robin

Holly St. Clair

Laurel Ruma

Nick Grossman

Philip Ashlock

We would like to discuss the diversity and broad spectrum of possible open data strategies, ideally from both a provider and a consumer perspective - MassGIS is providing open GIS web services mainly for professional GIS users, MassDOT publishes open data feeds targeted to developers, MAPC is working on tools to transform open regional data into knowledge. (due to a time constraint, an early slot would be ideal)


Transparency and Participation in Public Infrastructure Projects  Nick Grossman  Imagine a world where it was easy to understand the forces that are shaping the built environment.  Who the stakeholders are, what the timelines are, what the options are.  Then, imagine there was an easy way to get involved become part of that process.  What would it look like?  What are the best examples out there now? What are the best possible outcomes?  Important strategies to consider?  What are the risks?
Where is the outrage?  Guido Stein  This session will explore a federal project that was proposed for broadband data collection for the federal government and how it got gutted before it got off the ground. It's informal and frank, if we want data and there are monies to get data where is the outrage when the process is stifled? How do we get community engaged about data? Will anyone care about these issues and put pressure on the government and private entities that break these efforts?
Real estate round table(s)

Bill Wendel


TOPIC REQUEST / IDEA STARTER:  With one in four homeowners upside down on their mortgage, how can social media be used to (1) bring about long overdue real estate reforms to prevent another housing bubble, and (2) create a national network of self-aggregating, local home buyer clubs?  If appropriate, can post a link to 12 idea starters or share privately.  If anyone else is interested, need to schedule round table BEFORE NOON and would like to encourage housing advocates, foreclosure prevention counselors, and real estate consumer advocates nationwide to participate online.  Goal is to seed working groups eager to use social media to develop reform agenda and implement / public information / education campaign.

Extreme Makeover: Citizen Edition

Nick Grossman 

What does it mean to be an engaged citizen?  Then, how do you become one?  I'd like to hear stories of people who were disengaged and became engaged.  


Preferred format = brief brainstorm of ways to measure civic engagement, followed by 2-minute makeover stories (how many will we hear?), followed by teasing out of common factors or scenarios.  

Engaging Citizens in Data-Driven Discussions: Case Study of Somerville, MA
Ryan Androsoff
Will share some original research being currently conducted through the Harvard Kennedy School about the City of Somerville, MA and their "ResiStat" program. A brief powerpoint presentation about this case study will set the stage for a discussion of how governments at all levels (but particularly local gov't) can best get citizens engaged in sustainable collaboration and what role social media and other communications technologies can or should play in these efforts.


Organizing Committee:

Yasmin Fodil (@yasminfodil), Laurel Ruma (@laurelatoreilly), Sarah Bourne (@sarahebourne), Jess Weiss (@jessweiss), Rob Goodspeed (@rgoodspeed), co-sponsored by Harvard Kennedy School's Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy (www.shorensteincenter.org







Comments (8)

Shava Nerad said

at 4:13 pm on Jan 30, 2010

I can't figure out how to add to the grid (the edit page is coming up blank to me, even logged in to PBworks for this page), but I'd like to run a session on Using Online Tools for Community Organizing, Empowerment, and Leadership Development on the Ground, another on "How to Save the World in your Spare Time" (a case study from the MIT Educational Studies Program in youth leadership development), and I'd love to *participate* though perhaps not lead one on Engaging Young Media Creators for Community.

RobG said

at 5:25 pm on Jan 30, 2010

Shava, thanks for your interest, I'll add you to the grid. If other people are having the same problem let me know and I can look into it.

Shava Nerad said

at 12:34 pm on Feb 1, 2010

RobG, it was actually an issue with a firefox script protection plug-in. It misreported that there were no scripts to approve, but there were. It reported, and I approved, the scripts when I came back later.

Justin Mosebach said

at 4:01 pm on Feb 12, 2010

Might we want to start a directory page for each person who is in attendance (and beforehand)? That way, people can easily find each other on Twitter and their websites. Thoughts?

RobG said

at 11:08 am on Feb 14, 2010

Justin, the eventbrite page includes optional fields for twitter and webpages. However, if you think it'd be useful go ahead and create a new page on this wiki for directory information.

Monika Adamczyk said

at 9:53 pm on Feb 14, 2010

I am not sure how Lightning Talks work. Do we submit proposals ahead of the camp?

RobG said

at 2:26 pm on Feb 15, 2010

Monika, we should have been more clear. This portion is not part of the unconference format - we have invited a small number of people to share their work to kick off the day. The rest, however, will be citizen-driven!

Laurel said

at 9:36 am on Feb 18, 2010

Hi everyone, I created an attendee directory: http://gov20ne.pbworks.com/Attendee-directory so feel free to add information about yourself there!

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